
  • 18+ years
  • 15 Minutes
  • FREE

Checking your hearing regularly is just as important as doing a Warrant of Fitness on your car. At Hearing by Design, we offer a free of charge hearing check to all adults 18 years of age and older. The purpose of having regular hearing checks is to detect subtle changes so that they can be monitored and corrected before they become a problem for you and/or your family. The assessment will include taking a case history, doing otoscopy, and screening a few key frequencies of the usual full diagnostic test battery.

If hearing loss is detected, we will recommend a full diagnostic hearing evaluation to further investigate the degree and nature of your hearing loss. If you give us permission to proceed, and if time allows, a Free hearing check can sometimes be turned into a full diagnostic hearing evaluation there and then (at the normal cost), which will save you time as you won’t have to return on another day.

Free Hearing Check/Screen in East Auckland