
  • 60 mins

During this hour-long appointment, it all comes together! Together, we carefully selected a hearing aid suited to your unique hearing loss and personal goals. The purpose today, is to make sure you get a return on your investment.

Our main aim at this appointment is:

  • To check the physical fit of your hearing aids in- and on your ears,
  • To verify objectively that your hearing aids are functioning according to its specifications,
  • To program them to suit your specific needs, and finally
  • To teach you how to use them.

Hearing aids take time to fully adjust to. The adaptation process is different for everyone and can take up to a couple of months for some patients. Your brain can only adjust to the hearing aids and to sound if you are in fact wearing them. We therefore recommend wearing your hearing aids every day, even if it is for only just a part of the day.

Support Person

You can probably already tell that you will be given a lot of new information at your fitting appointment. If you are a new hearing aid wearer, we strongly recommend bringing a friend or family member with you.